September 21, 2024

Maintaining a healthy diet while eating out can be challenging, but it’s possible with a few simple tips. Eating out can be a great way to socialize and enjoy new foods, but it’s important to be mindful of the choices you make.

Healthy eating out tips include checking the menu online before you go, to look up nutritional information and calorie counts. When you get to the restaurant, ask about the ingredients in dishes and make substitutions if necessary. For example, you could ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, or request that your dish be prepared without added salt or oil.

It’s also important to be mindful of portion sizes. When eating out, it’s easy to overeat because the portions are often larger than what you would eat at home. Ask for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal and put half of your meal away before you start eating. This will help you avoid overeating and save you calories.

With a little planning and effort, you can make healthy choices when eating out. By following these tips, you can enjoy your meal without sacrificing your health goals.

healthy tips for eating out

Eating out is a common part of modern life, but it can be difficult to make healthy choices when you’re not in control of the cooking. Here are 10 key aspects to keep in mind for healthy eating out:

  • Plan ahead: Check the menu online before you go, so you can make healthy choices before you get to the restaurant.
  • Be mindful of portion sizes: Restaurant portions are often much larger than what you would eat at home, so ask for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal and put half of your meal away before you start eating.
  • Choose grilled or baked dishes over fried dishes.
  • Ask for your food to be prepared without added salt or oil.
  • Limit sugary drinks.
  • Share appetizers and desserts with friends.
  • Be aware of hidden calories in sauces and dressings.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions.
  • Make healthy choices even when eating out with friends or family.
  • Listen to your body and stop eating when you’re full.

By following these tips, you can make healthy choices when eating out without sacrificing your health goals. Here are a few examples of how you can put these tips into practice:

  • When you’re planning ahead, look for restaurants that have healthy options on their menu, such as grilled chicken or fish, salads, and whole grains.
  • When you’re at the restaurant, ask your server about the ingredients in dishes and make substitutions if necessary. For example, you could ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, or request that your dish be prepared without added salt or oil.
  • When you’re sharing appetizers and desserts, choose healthy options like fruit salad or yogurt instead of fried appetizers or sugary desserts.

Making healthy choices when eating out can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that you have control over what you eat, even when you’re not in control of the cooking.

Plan ahead

Checking the menu online before you go to a restaurant is a great way to make healthy choices. It allows you to see what options are available and to compare the nutritional information of different dishes. This can help you to avoid making impulse decisions when you’re at the restaurant and to choose dishes that fit your dietary needs and goals.

  • Be aware of your dietary needs and goals: Before you start looking at the menu, take a moment to think about your dietary needs and goals. Are you trying to lose weight? Are you managing a chronic condition, such as diabetes or heart disease? Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start to narrow down your choices.
  • Compare the nutritional information of different dishes: Many restaurants now provide nutritional information for their dishes online. This can be a helpful way to compare the calorie content, fat content, and other nutrients of different dishes. Choose dishes that are lower in calories and fat, and higher in fiber and other nutrients.
  • Make substitutions: If you find a dish that you like but it doesn’t fit your dietary needs, you can often make substitutions. For example, you could ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, or request that your dish be prepared without added salt or oil.
  • Choose healthy sides: The sides that you choose can also make a big difference in the overall nutritional value of your meal. Choose healthy sides, such as salads, steamed vegetables, or brown rice, instead of fried sides, such as french fries or onion rings.

By following these tips, you can make healthy choices when eating out without sacrificing your health goals.

Be mindful of portion sizes

Portion sizes have increased significantly over the past few decades, and restaurant portions are often much larger than what you would eat at home. This can make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight, as it’s easy to overeat when you’re served a large portion.

Asking for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal and putting half of your meal away before you start eating is a simple way to reduce your calorie intake and avoid overeating. This strategy can also help you to make healthier choices throughout your meal, as you’ll be less likely to overeat if you know that you have leftovers to take home.

Here are a few tips for mindful eating, to use alongside the to-go box strategy:

  • Eat slowly and savor each bite.
  • Pay attention to how you’re feeling while you’re eating. Are you really hungry? Are you eating because you’re bored or stressed?
  • Stop eating when you’re full, even if there’s food left on your plate.

Being mindful of portion sizes is an important part of healthy eating out. By following these tips, you can reduce your calorie intake and avoid overeating, which can help you to maintain a healthy weight.

Choose grilled or baked dishes over fried dishes.

Choosing grilled or baked dishes over fried dishes is an important aspect of healthy eating out. Fried foods are high in calories, fat, and sodium, and they can increase your risk of heart disease, obesity, and other health problems.

  • Reduced Calorie Intake: Grilled and baked dishes are typically lower in calories than fried dishes. This is because grilling and baking do not require the addition of oil or butter, which can add hundreds of calories to a dish. For example, a grilled chicken breast has about 140 calories, while a fried chicken breast has about 250 calories.
  • Lower Fat Content: Fried foods are also higher in fat than grilled or baked foods. This is because frying involves submerging food in hot oil, which allows the food to absorb fat. For example, a fried fish fillet has about 20 grams of fat, while a baked fish fillet has only 5 grams of fat.
  • Reduced Sodium Content: Fried foods are often higher in sodium than grilled or baked foods. This is because fried foods are often coated in bread crumbs or batter, which can add sodium to the dish. For example, a fried chicken breast has about 500 milligrams of sodium, while a grilled chicken breast has only 70 milligrams of sodium.
  • Improved Nutrient Content: Grilled and baked dishes are often more nutrient-rich than fried dishes. This is because grilling and baking do not destroy nutrients as frying does. For example, grilled salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health. Fried salmon, on the other hand, has lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

By choosing grilled or baked dishes over fried dishes, you can reduce your intake of calories, fat, and sodium, and increase your intake of nutrients. This can help you to maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

Ask for your food to be prepared without added salt or oil.

Reducing your intake of salt and oil is an important part of healthy eating, and it’s especially important when eating out. Restaurant food is often high in both salt and oil, which can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems.

Asking for your food to be prepared without added salt or oil is a simple way to reduce your intake of these unhealthy ingredients. When you make this request, the chef will typically use less salt and oil in the preparation of your dish, resulting in a healthier meal.

Here are a few tips for asking for your food to be prepared without added salt or oil:

  • Be polite and respectful when making your request. The chef is more likely to accommodate your request if you are polite and respectful.
  • Be specific about your request. Don’t just say “I want my food to be healthy.” Instead, say “I would like my food to be prepared without added salt or oil.”
  • Be prepared to repeat your request. The chef may not hear you the first time, so be prepared to repeat your request.
    • You can help reduce miscommunication by dining at established restaurants with a reputation for quality.

By following these tips, you can increase the likelihood that your food will be prepared without added salt or oil. This simple request can make a big difference in your health.

Limit sugary drinks.

Sugary drinks are a major source of added sugar in the diet, and they can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and other health problems. When you eat out, it’s important to be mindful of the sugary drinks that you consume. Many restaurants offer free refills on sugary drinks, which can make it easy to overconsume these unhealthy beverages.

Instead of sugary drinks, choose water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water. These beverages are calorie-free and can help you to stay hydrated. If you do choose to drink a sugary drink, be sure to limit your intake to one serving.

Limiting sugary drinks is an important part of healthy eating out. By making this simple change, you can reduce your intake of added sugar and improve your overall health.

Share appetizers and desserts with friends.

Sharing appetizers and desserts with friends is a great way to save calories and reduce your intake of unhealthy fats and sugars. When you share appetizers, you can sample a variety of dishes without overeating. And when you share desserts, you can enjoy a sweet treat without consuming too many calories.

For example, let’s say you’re at a restaurant with friends and you’re all looking to share an appetizer. Instead of ordering a large appetizer platter, which could easily contain 1,000 calories or more, you could order a few smaller appetizers to share. This way, you can try a variety of dishes without overeating.

The same principle applies to desserts. Instead of ordering a large piece of cake or pie, which could easily contain 500 calories or more, you could order a smaller dessert to share with your friends. This way, you can enjoy a sweet treat without consuming too many calories.

Sharing appetizers and desserts with friends is a simple but effective way to reduce your calorie intake and improve your overall health. By following this tip, you can enjoy your meals out with friends without sacrificing your health goals.

Be aware of hidden calories in sauces and dressings.

When eating out, it’s important to be aware of the hidden calories in sauces and dressings. Many sauces and dressings are high in calories, fat, and sugar, and they can add hundreds of calories to your meal. For example, a single tablespoon of ranch dressing contains about 100 calories, and a single tablespoon of mayonnaise contains about 110 calories.

If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to be mindful of the calories in sauces and dressings. Here are a few tips:

  • Choose low-calorie sauces and dressings, such as salsa, hummus, or vinaigrette.
  • Ask for your sauce or dressing on the side so you can control how much you use.
  • Be aware of the serving size of sauces and dressings. A single serving is typically 2 tablespoons, but many restaurants serve much larger portions.

Being aware of the hidden calories in sauces and dressings can help you to make healthier choices when eating out. By following these tips, you can reduce your calorie intake and improve your overall health.

Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions.

As part of healthy eating out, it is important to remember that you are not limited to the menu as it is written. Many restaurants are willing to accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences, so don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions. For example, if you are trying to reduce your calorie intake, you could ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, or request that your dish be prepared without added salt or oil. If you have a food allergy, be sure to inform your server so that they can take the necessary precautions.

Asking for substitutions can also be a way to make healthier choices. For example, if you are trying to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, you could ask for a side of steamed broccoli instead of french fries. Or, if you are trying to reduce your intake of processed foods, you could ask for a whole-wheat bun instead of a white bun.

Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions when eating out. It is a simple way to make healthier choices and to ensure that you are getting the nutrients you need.

Make healthy choices even when eating out with friends or family.

Eating out with friends or family can be a great way to socialize and enjoy a meal, but it can also be a challenge to make healthy choices. When you’re not in control of the cooking, it can be difficult to know what ingredients are in your food and how it was prepared. However, there are a few simple tips you can follow to make healthy choices even when eating out with friends or family.

  • Plan ahead: Before you go out to eat, take a look at the restaurant’s menu online. This will give you a chance to see what healthy options are available and to make a plan for what you’re going to order.
  • Be mindful of portion sizes: Restaurant portions are often much larger than what you would eat at home. When you’re eating out, ask for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal and put half of your meal away before you start eating. This will help you avoid overeating.
  • Choose healthy sides: The sides that you choose can make a big difference in the overall nutritional value of your meal. When you’re eating out, choose healthy sides, such as salads, steamed vegetables, or brown rice, instead of fried sides, such as french fries or onion rings.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions: If you see a dish that you like but it doesn’t fit your dietary needs, don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions. For example, you could ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, or request that your dish be prepared without added salt or oil.

By following these simple tips, you can make healthy choices even when eating out with friends or family. Eating out doesn’t have to be a diet disaster. With a little planning and effort, you can enjoy a meal out without sacrificing your health goals.

Listen to your body and stop eating when you’re full.

Listening to your body and stopping eating when you’re full is an important part of healthy eating, both at home and when eating out. When you eat out, it can be easy to overeat, as the portions are often larger than what you would eat at home. By listening to your body and stopping eating when you’re full, you can avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight.

  • Tune in to your hunger cues: Pay attention to your body’s hunger cues and eat when you’re genuinely hungry. Avoid eating out of boredom, stress, or emotional eating.
  • Eat slowly and mindfully: When you eat slowly and mindfully, you give your body time to register fullness signals. This helps prevent overeating.
  • Be aware of portion sizes: Restaurant portions are often much larger than what you would eat at home. Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid overeating.
  • Stop eating when you’re full: Don’t feel pressured to finish everything on your plate. If you’re full, stop eating, even if there’s food left.

Listening to your body and stopping eating when you’re full is an important part of healthy eating out. By following these tips, you can avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight.

When you’re planning ahead, look for restaurants that have healthy options on their menu, such as grilled chicken or fish, salads, and whole grains.

Planning ahead when eating out is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy diet. One key element of planning ahead is choosing restaurants that offer healthy options. By doing so, you can increase the likelihood of making healthy choices while dining out.

  • Variety of Healthy Options: Restaurants with a diverse range of healthy options empower you to select dishes that align with your dietary preferences and goals. For instance, grilled chicken or fish provides lean protein, while salads and whole grains offer essential nutrients and fiber.
  • Nutritional Information Accessibility: Many restaurants now provide nutritional information on their menus or websites. This transparency allows you to make informed decisions about your meal choices based on calorie content, macronutrient distribution, and specific dietary needs.
  • Health-Conscious Ambiance: Restaurants that prioritize healthy eating often create an ambiance that supports mindful dining. This may include comfortable seating, ample lighting, and a focus on fresh, wholesome ingredients.
  • Positive Reviews and Recommendations: Seeking recommendations from friends, family, or online reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and healthfulness of a restaurant’s offerings. Positive feedback from others can increase your confidence in choosing a restaurant that aligns with your healthy eating goals.

Incorporating these considerations into your planning process sets the stage for making healthy choices while dining out. By choosing restaurants with a commitment to healthy options, you empower yourself to maintain a balanced diet even when eating away from home.

When you’re at the restaurant, ask your server about the ingredients in dishes and make substitutions if necessary. For example, you could ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, or request that your dish be prepared without added salt or oil.

In the context of healthy eating out, proactively inquiring about ingredients and requesting substitutions empowers you to make informed choices that align with your dietary preferences and goals. This practice plays a multifaceted role in maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet while dining away from home:

  • Dietary Restrictions and Allergies: For individuals with food allergies or specific dietary restrictions, asking about ingredients is crucial to avoid potentially harmful or allergenic items. By clearly communicating your needs to the server, you can ensure that your meal is prepared safely and tailored to your dietary requirements.
  • Health-Conscious Modifications: Many restaurants offer the flexibility to customize dishes based on your health preferences. Substituting grilled chicken for fried options reduces fat and calorie intake. Requesting dishes without added salt or oil allows you to control sodium and fat content, supporting heart health and overall well-being.
  • Personalized Nutrition: Asking about ingredients and making substitutions empowers you to tailor your meal to your specific nutritional needs. For example, if you’re trying to increase protein intake, you could request extra lean protein sources such as grilled fish or tofu. If you’re looking to boost vegetable consumption, you could ask for additional steamed or roasted vegetables as a side.
  • Informed Decision-Making: By engaging with the server and seeking information about ingredients, you gain a deeper understanding of your meal choices. This knowledge enables you to make informed decisions about the nutritional value and potential health implications of each dish.

Incorporating this practice into your dining experiences empowers you to take an active role in managing your health while enjoying meals outside of your home. By asking about ingredients and making substitutions when necessary, you can create a dining experience that aligns with your nutritional goals and promotes overall well-being.

When you’re sharing appetizers and desserts, choose healthy options like fruit salad or yogurt instead of fried appetizers or sugary desserts.

Making healthy choices when eating out can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that you have control over what you eat, even when you’re not in control of the cooking. One way to make healthy choices when eating out is to share appetizers and desserts with friends or family. This can help you reduce your calorie intake and avoid overeating.

When choosing appetizers and desserts to share, it’s important to choose healthy options. Fruit salad and yogurt are both good choices because they are low in calories and fat, and they provide essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fried appetizers and sugary desserts, on the other hand, are high in calories and fat, and they offer little nutritional value.

By choosing healthy appetizers and desserts to share, you can make healthy choices when eating out without sacrificing your health goals. Here are a few examples of healthy appetizers and desserts to share:

  • Fruit salad
  • Yogurt
  • Vegetable platter
  • Hummus with whole-wheat pita bread
  • Baked chips with salsa

By following these tips, you can make healthy choices when eating out without sacrificing your health goals.

Choosing healthy appetizers and desserts when eating out is an important part of healthy eating out. By making smart choices, you can reduce your calorie intake, avoid overeating, and maintain a healthy weight.

FAQs on Healthy Eating Out

Navigating the world of dining out while maintaining a healthy diet can be a challenge. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about healthy eating out:

Question 1: How can I make healthier choices when eating out?

When dining out, focus on selecting grilled or baked dishes over fried options. Request for your food to be prepared without added salt or oil to reduce your intake of unhealthy fats and sodium. Additionally, be mindful of portion sizes and consider sharing appetizers and desserts with your companions.

Question 2: What are some healthy appetizer and dessert options when eating out?

For appetizers, consider vegetable platters, hummus with whole-wheat pita bread, or baked chips with salsa. As for desserts, fruit salad and yogurt are excellent choices.

Question 3: How can I limit my intake of sugary drinks when eating out?

Instead of sugary drinks, opt for water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water. These beverages are calorie-free and can help you stay hydrated.

Question 4: Is it possible to request substitutions or modifications to dishes when eating out?

Yes, many restaurants are willing to accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences. Don’t hesitate to ask for substitutions such as grilled chicken instead of fried chicken or your dish to be prepared without added salt or oil.

Question 5: How can I avoid overeating when eating out?

To avoid overeating, be mindful of portion sizes and ask for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal. Put half of your meal away before you start eating, which can help prevent overconsumption.

Question 6: What should I do if I have food allergies or specific dietary needs when eating out?

If you have food allergies or specific dietary needs, it’s essential to inform your server before ordering. This allows the restaurant to take the necessary precautions to ensure your meal is safe and meets your dietary requirements.

Summary: Healthy eating out requires planning and mindful choices. Remember to prioritize grilled or baked dishes, request modifications, limit sugary drinks, be aware of portion sizes, and communicate any dietary restrictions. By following these tips, you can enjoy dining out without compromising your health goals.

Transition to Next Section: With these FAQs addressed, let’s explore additional strategies for making healthy choices when eating out.

Tips for Healthy Eating Out

Maintaining a healthy diet while eating out can be a challenge, but following these tips can help you make healthier choices:

Tip 1: Plan ahead

Before you go out to eat, take a look at the restaurant’s menu online. This will give you a chance to see what healthy options are available and make a plan for what you’re going to order.

Tip 2: Be mindful of portion sizes

Restaurant portions are often much larger than what you would eat at home. When you’re eating out, ask for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal and put half of your meal away before you start eating. This will help you avoid overeating.

Tip 3: Choose healthy sides

The sides that you choose can make a big difference in the overall nutritional value of your meal. When you’re eating out, choose healthy sides, such as salads, steamed vegetables, or brown rice, instead of fried sides, such as french fries or onion rings.

Tip 4: Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions

If you see a dish that you like but it doesn’t fit your dietary needs, don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions. For example, you could ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, or request that your dish be prepared without added salt or oil.

Tip 5: Limit sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are a major source of added sugar in the diet, and they can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and other health problems. When you eat out, it’s important to be mindful of the sugary drinks that you consume. Many restaurants offer free refills on sugary drinks, which can make it easy to overconsume these unhealthy beverages.

Tip 6: Share appetizers and desserts

Sharing appetizers and desserts with friends is a great way to save calories and reduce your intake of unhealthy fats and sugars. When you share appetizers, you can sample a variety of dishes without overeating. And when you share desserts, you can enjoy a sweet treat without consuming too many calories.

Tip 7: Be aware of hidden calories in sauces and dressings

Many sauces and dressings are high in calories, fat, and sugar, and they can add hundreds of calories to your meal. For example, a single tablespoon of ranch dressing contains about 100 calories, and a single tablespoon of mayonnaise contains about 110 calories.

Tip 8: Listen to your body and stop eating when you’re full

Listening to your body and stopping eating when you’re full is an important part of healthy eating, both at home and when eating out. When you eat out, it can be easy to overeat, as the portions are often larger than what you would eat at home. By listening to your body and stopping eating when you’re full, you can avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight.

Summary: Healthy eating out requires planning and mindful choices. Remember to prioritize grilled or baked dishes, request modifications, limit sugary drinks, be aware of portion sizes, and communicate any dietary restrictions. By following these tips, you can enjoy dining out without compromising your health goals.


Maintaining a healthy diet while eating out requires careful consideration and informed choices. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article, individuals can navigate dining experiences while prioritizing their well-being. Remember to prioritize grilled or baked dishes, request modifications to suit your dietary needs, limit sugary drinks, be mindful of portion sizes, and communicate any allergies or restrictions to ensure a safe and satisfying meal. Adopting these healthy habits empowers you to enjoy dining out without compromising your health goals.

As we continue to explore the realm of healthy eating out, future endeavors may focus on innovative culinary techniques that cater to various dietary preferences and restrictions. Additionally, promoting awareness about the importance of mindful eating and portion control can further empower individuals to make informed choices when dining away from home. Embracing these principles not only benefits our physical health but also contributes to a more balanced and fulfilling relationship with food.

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